Behold, my friends. This is the face of ugly. No, this isn’t
an aesthetic judgment. This is the visage of ugly from the inside. This is a
face of Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, one of the radicalized
leaders in the state.
This is the face of ignorance. It is the face of a man who
won’t understand zoology, biology, medicine and the other sciences that bring
us our well-being. This is the face of the man who would rather promote foster
fossil fuels over sustainable, clean wind and solar energy, denying the science
of global warming. This is the man who would rather let women die from a
pregnancy gone wrong than her and her doctor use science to save lives. This is
the man who refuses to understand that sexual preference and gender identity
are based in neuroscience, not religious doctrine. This is the face of a man,
despite is legal training from a fine school, believes that Christian doctrine overrides
the United States and Texas constitutions.
This is the face of hate and intolerance. This is face of the
man who would let the pollution from fossil fuels wreak havoc on people’s health
and our climate because he doesn’t care for people, only the corporations. This
is the face of a man who will not shed a tear for the tragedy of a lost child.
Or for the mother and child born with disability; or poverty; or illness. This
is the face of the man who, in denying science, treats people with different
gender identities or preferences as non-humans.
This is the face of hypocrisy. This is the face of the man
who posts Bible verses and religious doctrine on his social media pages, but
who rejects the very message of the deity he claims to revere as a savior. This
is the face of a man who was crippled in an accident and won a big settlement then
backed measures to deny others the same benefits he got from the legal system. This
is the face of a man who wants to get even with the trees for his injury. This
is the face of a man who claims to back small government but continues to
expand its reach into our private lives.
This is the face of a radicalized right wing in American
politics — and the hand that shows his th
occupant as the president of the United States. Look at that curled thumb and
forefinger, an imitation of the same gesture the Liar-in-Chief Oval Office narcissistic
psychopath makes to sell his ignorance and hate.
loyalty to Donald Putin Bannon, the 45
Remember these faces in 2018 and 2020.
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