Eclectic commentary from a progressive voice in the red state

Friday, January 27, 2017

Now they want to do something

All of a sudden we're getting these Facebook posts from democratic politicians asking for our help, and of course a contribution, to push back on the Trump / Putin Administration.

Where were they and the Democratic party leadership when we needed them?

Where was the Democratic party leadership when we knew that Bernie Sanders could play a major role in beating Trump?

Where was the Democratic party leadership when it was clear the Hillary Clinton had been so damaged by the Republican propaganda machine that we knew she couldn't win?

Where was the Democratic party leadership when it might have convinced Hillary Clinton to choose Bernie Sanders as a running mate?

Despite being an independent, Sanders was loyal to the Democratic party after the primaries, despite the screwing that he got from the Democratic party leadership. I'm not saying that people pushing back against Trump and Putin aren't doing the right things, but where is our payoff for being loyal?

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