So it was a little while ago when I saw something — the
illustration to the left — that I thought was so outrageous that it couldn’t be
true. But I checked, and it is true. The New York Times story on June 3
explains what is happening at Disney and elsewhere all over the world. This is
just another version of outsourcing — instead of shipping the jobs out, we bring
the cheaper labor here. Insourcing the outsourcing.
It is, of course, the amoral free market/capitalism
that makes it OK for “bidness” to do this in corporatist ’Murica.
Lest you think this isn’t close to home in Amarillo, take
note that the H-1B visa was part of the Wallace
Bajjali pitch that the City Council swallowed.
We need more critical thinking
in our civic lives. More analysis. And we need a rage against the machine to
take back our government, not by destroying and neutering it as the Tea Party
would have us do; but, by empowering it to stand as a balance against the consequences
of unfettered and uncontrolled capitalism.
Take this to the bank, so to
speak: Our future generations depend on it.
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